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IFL guest blogger Jane Secker, standing, second from left, plays The Publishing Trap with EIFL General Assembly delegates.
22 Aug 2019
Posted by Guest Blogger
Our Guest Blogger, Dr Jane Secker, is Senior Lecturer in Educational Development at City, University of London. EIFL invited Jane and partner, (...)
The six young African library innovators in the Dokk1 conference hall: back row, from left - Claret Misika (Namibia), Constance Chilipa (Zambia), Jemmimah Maragwa (Kenya), Hayford Siaw (Ghana). Seated, in front, Kennedy Rutoh (Kenya), Mary Mamba (Zambia).
22 Jul 2019
Posted by Ramune Petuchovaite, Public Library Innovation Programme Manager
In May 2019, six young African public librarians travelled to Denmark to take part in an intensive week-long learning, knowledge-sharing and (...)
The IYALI team at the AfLIA conference: back, from left, Koi Kazungu, Kenya; Mustafa Tuhami, Egypt; Momoh Mansaray, Sierra Leone. Front, from left, Harouna Ahmadou Saliou Yerima, Cameroon; Joseck Olala, Kenya; Ramune Petuchovaite, EIFL, Joan Njogu, Kenya.
21 Jun 2019
Posted by Ramune Petuchovaite, Public Library Innovation Programme Manager
In May 2019, I joined six young public library innovators from Africa at the 3rd African Library and Information Associations and Institutions ( (...)
WIPO Director General, Mr Francis Gurry. Copyright: WIPO. Photo: Emmanuel Berrod.
23 Apr 2019
Posted by Teresa Hackett, Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager
Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager, participated in the 38th session of the World Intellectual Property Organization ( (...)
27 Mar 2019
Posted by Teresa Hackett, Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager
Limitations and exceptions for libraries & archives and education have been on the agenda at WIPO since 2011. Work on the topic has been (...)
People sitting and working in groups at the open science trainer bootcamp in Debrecen, Hungary.
06 Feb 2019
Posted by Iryna Kuchma, Open Access Programme Manager
Members of the EIFL Open Access Programme team, Iryna Kuchma and Gwen Franck, blog about a new training format and training resources for open (...)
Open Access Serbia logo
25 Jan 2019
Posted by Guest Blogger
EIFL Guest Blogger, Open Access Programme Coordinator in Serbia, Milica Sevkusic, updates us on the latest developments in open access (OA) in (...)