
Browse our collection of resources on licensing, copyright for libraries, open access, library consortium development, free and open source software (FOSS) for libraries, and public library innovation

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Statements by EIFL at WIPO meetings (2023) Position paper & statement 2023.
EIFL submission to South Africa’s National Council of Provinces in support of the Copyright Amendment Bill 2017 Position paper & statement 2023.
EIFL-PLIP’s Small Bites: Community needs assessment - training video for public librarians Video 2023.
Impacts of public access to computers and the internet in libraries Report 2022.
Webinar: Increasing visibility of your research output through the use of open access platforms Webinar 2022.
Kosovo: AELK-EIFL comments on draft copyright law (2022) Position paper & statement 2022.
Webinar: EIFL and DSquare Technologies discuss DSpace and demonstrate what’s new in DSpace 7 Webinar 2022.
Webinar (in French): Open science policies in Côte d'Ivoire & the Democratic Republic of Congo Webinar 2022.
EIFL-PLIP’s Small Bites: 'Managing Workshop Expectations' - training video for public librarians Video 2022.
EIFL-PLIP’s Small Bites: 'How to evaluate your library’s training programme' - training video for public librarians Video 2022.
EIFL-PLIP’s Small Bites: 'Outcomes of library programmes and services' - training video for public librarians Video 2022.
Digital skills @ your local library - a public library project in Uganda Video 2022.
‘Success for People with Print Disabilities: The Marrakesh Treaty’ Book Chapter 2022.
Webinar: Best practices in journal publishing - Ukraine Webinar 2022.
Getting Started. Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities. A practical guide for librarians - Kenyan edition Guide 2022.