EIFL has signed a three-year agreement with the Microbiology Society, allowing authors from 33 EIFL partner countries to publish for free in all (...)
08 Sep 2023
Today, 8th September 2023, the availability of books for Ukrainians who are blind and visually impaired receives a significant boost. The (...)
17 Feb 2023
Access to knowledge for millions of people around the world who are blind or otherwise print disabled continued to grow in 2022 with eight more (...)
11 Feb 2015
A year after the start of the European Commission's (EC) Horizon 2020 (H2020) Research Framework Programme, the OpenAIRE project (Open Access (...)
18 Dec 2014
The EIFL Open Access (OA) programme advocates nationally and internationally for the adoption of OA policies and mandates, to ensure that research (...)
10 Jan 2014
EIFL is pleased to announce that it is a partner in a new European Commission (EC) funded project FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for (...)