Public librarians from 10 libraries that have won EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards will take part in a two-part JAM (just-a-minute) conversation session during the Next Library Festival 2021. The session will be led by Ramune Petuchovaite, who is EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme Manager.
The Next Library Festival 2021 is a 24-hour event starting at 8am (UTC+2) on 3 June and continuing until 8am (UTC+2) on 4 June. Registration is free – see the programme and register.
EIFL’s two-part session takes place on 3 June, as follows: Part 1: 18.30 (UTC+2); Part 2: 19.30 (UTC+2). Each session lasts 45 minutes. The EIFL Public Library Award winners will share stories about their award-winning services, and discuss public libraries contributing to community development and public library service innovation. Please join the conversation - share your input in this short survey, which is open until the end of the festival on June 4.
There are 11 contributors from six countries in the EIFL session:
- from Estonia, Triinu Seppam-Saar, Tallinn Central Library
- from Croatia:
- from Kenya National Library Service:
- from Peru, Marcela Poirier from the National Library
- from Lithuania, Monika Straupytė, Kaunas Municipal Vincas Kudirka Public Library
- and from South Africa, Jeff Nyoka, City of Johannesburg Public Libraries.