Marika was nominated by the Georgian Integrated Library Web Consort (...)
Matseliso was nominated by the Lesotho Library Consortium (LELICO) (...)
Mildred was nominated by the Zimbabwe University Libraries Consorti (...)
Milica was nominated by the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordina (...)
Miodrag was nominated by the Macedonian e-Libraries (MEL) Consortiu (...)
Mirlona was nominated by the Albanian Library Consortium to serve (...)
Mohammad was nominated by the Palestinian Library and Information C (...)
Namutenya was nominated by the Namibia Library Consortium to serve (...)
Nana Tuhufo was nominated by the Consortium of Academic and Researc (...)
Naniki was nominated by the Botswana Libraries Consortium (BLC) to (...)
Natalia was nominated by the Electronic Resources for Moldova (REM) (...)
Nino was nominated by the Georgian Integrated Library Web Consortiu (...)
Nyarai was nominated by the Zimbabwe University Libraries Consortiu (...)
Oleksii was nominated by the Association "Informatio-Consortium" to (...)
Adjoh Hortense was nominated by the Consortium des Bibliothèques de (...)
Patrick was nominated by the Malawi Library Information Consortium (...)
Paul was nominated by the Kenya Libraries and Information Services (...)
Paul was nominated by the Consortium of Tanzania Universities and R (...)
Pilate was nominated by the Zambia Library Consortium (ZALICO) to s (...)
Poloko was nominated by the Botswana Libraries Consortium (BLC) to (...)