VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed by Demian Katz at Villanova University library in the USA. It is designed to enable all library users to search and browse through all of the library's resources by replacing the traditional OPAC. VuFind operates with a simple Google-like interface, offering keyword searching, faceted searching, suggested resources and personal organisation (e.g. favourites tagging or commenting features). VuFind offers versions in several languages including French, Chinese and Hebrew.
In this webinar, participants were joined by the inventor and lead developer of VuFind - Demian Katz of Villanova University.
Demian delivers a short overview of VuFind, its features, and the key information to be kept in mind when planning to install and use VuFind in your library. The session is then given over to the audience to ask questions of Demian. Questions come thick and fast, ranging from the broad scale (such as 'how does VuFind deliver search results', or 'how does it integrate with ILS software') to highly specific questions relating to particular settings within the program.
Slides in PDF format