Shibboleth is an open source federated access management technology that has been widely adopted by academic institutions worldwide to facilitate anytime/anywhere access to commercial e-resources.
The Shibboleth webinar begins with a presentation from Mike Schwartz of Gluu.org - an authentication and authorization support organisatuion who offer services around the use of Shibboleth. The short presentation covers the basics of Shibboleth and how it is connected to OpenID Connect and services like those offered by Gluu.org, including 'OX', which implements both older protocols like SAML and RADIUS and also newer OAuth2 protocols.
Mike presents for about 20 minutes, after which the session then moves into a Q&A session, with questions posted live by delegates. These questions came thick and fast, taking the webinar up to a full hour.
Supporting materials
Slides in PDF format of Mike Schwartz's presentation.
Relevant links
- 5 minute animation introducing the concept of federated access management
- Why Shibboleth? web page and information sheet in PDF format
- How it works
- Downloads