The proposal for an International Instrument on Preservation of Cultural Heritage for Libraries, Archives and Museums (known as Preservation+) sets out in treaty language copyright exceptions and related provisions needed to ensure the long-term preservation of, and access to, the world’s cultural and scientific heritage (including in digital formats).
Preservation+, and a short briefing document, were prepared by EIFL, IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), ICA (International Council on Archives) and ICOM (International Council of Museums) to assist WIPO Member States at the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) in discussions on limitations and exceptions for libraries, archives and museums.
In 2019, during three WIPO regional seminars (Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean regions) and an international conference in Geneva, Member States identified preservation by cultural heritage institutions as an area in need of urgent attention. The call for global action on preservation was especially strong from regions experiencing devastating storms and hurricanes due to climate change, such as the Caribbean, countries affected by armed conflict, and countries where events such as fires or floods have threatened, or wiped out, irreplaceable collections.