EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) Impact Manager Ugne Lipeikaite explains how to look beyond the numbers (how many trainees, how many training sessions) when evaluating library training, and find out more - for example,
- Are the trainees satisfied with the training?
- What have they learnt?
- How are they using their learning in their work or day-to-day lives?
- What has been the longer term impact of the training?
EIFL-PLIP’s Small Bites: ‘How to evaluate your library’s training programme’ (5 minutes) is one of a series of short videos for public librarians and public library trainers produced by EIFL-PLIP.
More EIFL-PLIP Small Bites for organizing library training programmes -
- ‘Managing Workshop Expectations’ (5 minutes)
- 'Promoting your library's training programmes on social media‘ (7 minutes)
Visit our YouTube channel where you will find more EIFL-PLIP Small Bites videos, on the topics Library performance and outcomes evaluation and Library project development.
Enjoy the ‘Small Bites’. Let us know if you found the format and content useful, or have any other feedback – plip@eifl.net