To advance discussion at WIPO’S copyright committee on limitations and exceptions for libraries, archives and museums, EIFL, IFLA, ICA AND ICOM prepared a proposal for a framework treaty on copyright exceptions
The Framework Treaty on Libraries, Archives and Museums (TLAM) is an international principles-based document for the benefit of libraries, archives and museums. It mandates the creation of copyright exceptions at national level to enable core activities (such as preservation and making research copies), while providing flexibility as to how the exceptions could be implemented e.g. through exceptions specifically for the benefit of libraries, archives and museums; through other general exceptions; judicial or regulatory determinations on fair practices, uses, or dealings.
TLAM, and a short briefing document, were prepared by EIFL, IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), ICA (International Council on Archives) and ICOM (International Council of Museums). TLAM was offered to WIPO Member States to help advance the agenda item on limitations and exceptions for libraries, archives and museums at the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) in 2018.