EIFL, together with other civil society organizations from the libraries, archives, and museums sector, advocate at WIPO - the global body that sets international copyright rules - to promote a balanced copyright system that reflects the public interest, as well as the needs of rightsholders.
We congratulate Ms Sylvie Forbin on her nomination as Deputy Director General (DDG), Copyright and Creative Industries Sector, and look forward to continued work with the DDG towards these goals.
While ‘culture’ has been dropped in favour of ‘copyright’ from the name of the sector, EIFL and our co-signatories are confident that WIPO will not lose focus on the importance of the role of the cultural heritage sector in relation to copyright.
The Copyright and Creative Industries Sector is responsible for WIPO’s programmes on copyright and related rights. It supports Member States in the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR), develops copyright infrastructure and builds capacity in developing countries. The SCCR is currently engaged in discussing limitations and exceptions, and broadcasting organizations.
The appointment of the Deputy Director General, Copyright and Creative Industries Sector, is subject to approval by the WIPO Coordination Committee that meets in Geneva on 12 September 2016.
EIFL looks forward to the next session of SCCR that takes place in Geneva on 14-18 November 2016.
Read about EIFL’s advocacy work at WIPO on limitations and exceptions here.