If you missed the OpenAIRE webinar on the FP7 post-grant Open Access (OA) pilot you can catch up by watching the webinar recording and slides.
Over 100 researchers, project coordinators, research administrators and librarians from 22 countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK) attended the webinar, which was was led by Pablo de Castro, from LIBER, and hosted by EIFL.
The European Commission launched the openaire.eu/postgrantoapilot FP7 post-grant Open Access pilot fund this year to fund OA publications for finalized FP7 projects through the OpenAIRE project.
The pilot provides funding for both Open Access Article Processing Charges (APCs) and Book Processing Charges (BPCs) for FP7 projects up to two years after they end. It improves access to research results from FP7 projects, but does not affect authors' choice on how their project publications are made Open Access.
According to the second FP7 post-grant Open Access pilot progress report, the pilot is gradually taking off. By 30 September, the pilot had granted 52 funding requests to researchers and projects across Europe and beyond.
The webinar covered the following topics -
- How the FP7 post-grant Open Access pilot works;
- How organizations can work with LIBER and OpenAIRE to support the pilot implementation;
- How to use the postgrantoapilot.openaire.eu central service at for collecting and processing funding requests for Open Access publishing fees, and
- How to ensure that working procedures are appropriately aligned across institutions in different countries.
Click here to instantpresenter view the webinar recording.
Click here to view the slides.
OpenAIRE is a European Commission-funded initiative that supports implementation of the Horizon 2020 open access mandate for publications and its Open Research Data Pilot.
LIBER manages the FP7 post-grant Open Access publishing funds pilot in the OpenAIRE project. Click here for further information about LIBER’s role.
EIFL is one of the 50 OpenAIRE2020 project partners working on this large-scale initiative which aims to promote open scholarship and substantially improve the discoverability and reusability of research publications and data.