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25 Oct 2017
On 12-13 September 2017, over 50 participants from eight countries met in Lesotho, the high-altitude kingdom in southern Africa, to advance (...)
14 Sep 2017
EIFL has renewed the agreement with Euromonitor International for two of their products, Passport and Research Monitor. The renewed agreement runs (...)
14 Jun 2017
EIFL has renewed its current agreement with the Royal Society Publishing to provide free and discounted access to the Royal Society Journals (...)
07 Jun 2017
EIFL has extended its agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to provide free and discounted access to the IMF eLibrary. The IMF (...)
17 May 2017
EIFL has extended its agreement with Taylor & Francis that guarantees no - or heavily reduced - Article Processing Charges (APCs) for authors (...)
11 May 2017
EIFL has renewed its agreement with William S. Hein & Co. Through this agreement, institutions in 30 EIFL countries can subscribe at (...)
Teresa Hackett sitting next to Awe Cisse in the WIPO meeting hall.
10 May 2017
EIFL had two experienced representatives at the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related (...)