EIFL welcomes the news that all three journals of the Institute of Education Research of Addis Ababa University are now available in open access (OA).
The announcement was made on 27 June 2017 - the occasion of the 50th birthday of one of the three journals, the Ethiopian Journal of Education (EJE) - by Professor Darge Wole, the journal’s editor-in-chief.
The other two Institute of Education and Research journals that have entered the OA arena are the Ethiopian Journal of Higher Education (EJHE) and the IER Flambeau.
All three journals are now available through the Ethiopian Journals Online (EJOL) website. EJOL was set up as an OA publishing platform in a project supported by EIFL.
Speaking at the 50th anniversary ceremony of EJE, Mesfin Gezahegn, Head of Addis Ababa University Libraries and Chair of the Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Research Libraries (CEARL), EIFL’s partner library consortium in Ethiopia, provided an overview of EJOL, which will soon host all Addis Ababa University journals in OA.
Read more about EJE’s 50th anniversary ceremony.