The European Commission-funded project PASTEUR4OA ( short for Open Access Policy Alignment Strategies for European Union Research), in which EIFL is a partner, is drawing to a close. Based on the project, PASTEUR4OA partners have developed a set of useful resources:
OA policy guidelines for research performing organizations and funders
To help research performing organizations and funders develop efficient open access (OA) policies, PASTEUR4OA has developed guidelines and a model policy (template). See -
- Open Access Policy Guidelines for Research Performing Organizations (also available in French, Portuguese, Slovak and Turkish), and
- Open Access Policy Guidelines for Funders (also available in French, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish).
OA policy effectiveness - briefing papers for research funders and research institutions
Two briefing papers based on analysis of over 120 mandatory OA policies lay out the main issues related to effectiveness an OA policy. They are -
- Open Access policy effectiveness: A briefing paper for research funders (also available in French, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish), and
- Open Access policy effectiveness: A briefing paper for research institutions (also available in French, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovak and Turkish)
Open Access Policy Alignment Checklist
To check if your OA policy is aligned with the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Multi-beneficiary General Model Grant Agreement, you can use the PASTEUR4OA Open Access Policy Alignment Checklist (also available in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Slovak and Turkish).
How Open is Your Research? A questionnaire
The How Open is Your Research? questionnaire has been designed to enable institutions to assess the openness of their research and teaching; and researchers’ awareness of openness and availability of institutional support. The questionnaire covers adherence to policy and strategy, teaching, and different aspects of undertaking and disseminating scholarly and scientific research.
The PASTEUR4OA project began in February 2014 and ends in July 2016. The final PASTEUR4OA conference, Green light for Open Access, took place in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) on 17 -18 May, and coincided with the Dutch Presidency of the European Union.
Read more about the conference here.