Over 90 people from 12 countries attended the Lithuanian Library for the Blind’s ‘Libraries for an inclusive society’ conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The key message in the presentation was that robust international exchange of accessible books needs more countries to join the Marrakesh Treaty. Owen stressed that librarians need to work in an advocacy role to champion the Treaty, and to claim their new statutory rights as authorized entities under the Treaty.
Launch of EIFL Marrakesh Treaty guide in Lithuanian
The conference provided a timely opportunity for librarians to work together to prepare a response to a public consultation in which the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture was seeking views of stakeholders on European Commission (EC) proposals to implement the Marrakesh Treaty in the European Union (EU).
- It welcomed exclusion of additional barriers, such as compensation schemes, or the need to check the availability on the market of the requested item before an accessible format copy may be made. Ruling out such barriers helps to ensure that the objective of the Treaty, which is to maximize the availability of copyright-protected works in accessible formats, is respected.
- It welcomed the European Commission’s proposal to prepare a short report assessing the situation of persons with other disabilities, for example, deaf people, two years after Marrakesh legislation comes into effect. Libraries should be able to serve all their users equally, regardless of disability, and the report would consider whether the legislation needed to be amended to include persons with other disabilities. The EC proposal supports Lithuania’s obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
- It expressed concern that EC proposals on record keeping could threaten the Treaty’s effective operation. Proposed record keeping requirements for cross-border transfer of accessible formats from libraries in the EU to countries outside the EU exceed what is required under the Treaty. Libraries in Lithuania called on the Ministry of Culture to support the record keeping provisions set out in the Marrakesh Treaty, since these were already negotiated and agreed upon by the EU (which includes Lithuania).
Read the full library response here (in Lithuanian).
The ‘Libraries for an inclusive society’ conference was organized by the Lithuanian Library for the Blind. Special thanks to Zinaida Manzuch for organization, documentation and logistics.
Read more about EIFL’s work on the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities.