EIFL has renewed agreements with Duke University Press for the e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collection and the Euclid Prime Collection.
The e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collections provides online access to 64 Duke University Press journals in the humanities and social sciences.
The Euclid Prime Collection is a collection of journals in theoretical and applied mathematics and statistics hosted by Project Euclid. The 2022 collection includes 49 titles.
Both agreements run until 31 December 2024. Institutions in 25 EIFL partner countries are eligible for free or discounted access to the e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collections and the Euclid Prime Collection:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Botswana, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Maldives, Moldova, Myanmar, Namibia, Palestine, Senegal, Serbia, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Zambia
Find out more about the EIFL negotiated agreements for the e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collections and the Euclid Prime Collection.