To mark UNESCO’s World Book and Copyright Day that takes place on 23 April, and WIPO’s World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April, EIFL will stage an online social media campaign (here and here) that runs from 21 - 27 April 2016.
During the week-long campaign, EIFL’s wide range of multi-language resources on copyright will be highlighted, and we will feature ways in which librarians in EIFL partner countries have used the unique resources to help with their work.
We’ll also connect with other activities and events that are happening around the world.
Check back later for a round-up of the EIFL social media campaign marking two world copyright days.
EIFL copyright resources
In an ever-changing digital world, librarians everywhere need to be informed about policy developments and practices concerning copyright and related issues in order to maximize access to learning resources for their users.
The EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme has developed a range of resources that aspire to inform librarians concerning copyright law in general, the aspects of copyright law that most affect libraries, and to support the participation of librarians in policy discussions and copyright law reform.
EIFL copyright resources include articles, practical guides, policy statements, case studies and posters, a curriculum, a model law, and even a book. In many cases, they are the first of a kind, developed in response to requests from librarians in the EIFL network.
All the resources are available in English while a selection are translated into nine different languages (Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, French, Moldovan/Romanian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish). In some cases, the translation was the first information on copyright and libraries ever published in that language.
EIFL resources are available under a Creative Commons Attribution License that has encouraged translation and take-up. Librarians and the public at large are encouraged to use, distribute, translate, and build upon the materials.
Click here to learn more about the resources.
UNESCO World Book and Copyright Day, that takes place on 23 April, aims to promote the diversity of books and reading around the globe. The city of Wroclaw in Poland is 2016 World Book Capital. Visit www.unesco.org/new/wbcd to learn more.
Twitter hashtag #BookDay
WIPO World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April is a day dedicated to the promotion, understanding and discussion of intellectual property (copyright law is part of the IP system). This year’s theme is 'Digital Creativity: Culture Reimagined'. Visit https://www.wipo.int/ip-outreach/en/ipday/ to learn more.
Twitter hashtag #worldipday.
The EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme promotes a fair copyright system that supports libraries and the people who use libraries.