Representatives of 10 new public library projects that will serve the needs of children and youth will attend an EIFL Public Library Innovation Programme (EIFL-PLIP) induction meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The 10 new projects have all been awarded grants under the EIFL-PLIP call: Public libraries preparing children and youth for the future. The call invited public libraries from across the globe to apply for a grant to develop an innovative service that uses digital technology to serve the needs of children and youth.
The group comprises 20 people – librarians and representatives of their libraries’ partner organizations – from Africa, Latin America and Europe.
During the meeting, new grantees will present their projects and share knowledge and ideas about serving children and youth. EIFL-PLIP will also provide expert training in impact assessment methodologies, communication and advocacy.
The group will also visit libraries in Slovenia to learn about best library practices in that country.
The new projects will be implemented from May 2014 to June 2015, after which the libraries will assess the impact of their projects. Results will be published in case studies.