CESSDA Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP) will host a FOSTER co-funded CESSDA Research Data Management for Open Data doctoral training series on Research Data Management and Open Data.
The training aims to promote open data in the research community, and raise awareness about sharing research data and using existing research data. The course is designed for doctoral students from the field of social sciences and humanities.
Training consists of lectures and hands-on sessions focused on good Research Data Management practices and issues related to data sharing within the current European Union (EU) frameworks, which foster open science.
Topics to be covered:
- Research Data Management
- Legal and Ethical Issues
- Depositing and Using Data
Teaching is delivered through a combination of presentations, exercises, discussions, and group work.
Throughout the training, doctoral students will have the opportunity to work on a data management plan for their own research projects.
This course is takes place at the 10th ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques, from 27 July - 7 August 2015 at University of Ljubljana in Slovenia.
Contact: Dr. Sonja Bezjak, Sonja.Bezjak[@]fdv.uni-lj.si
EIFL is a partner in FOSTER, a European Commission-funded project that aims to support different stakeholders, especially young researchers, in practising OA, open data sharing and open science. EIFL leads the training programme. Read more about EIFL’s involvement in the project here and about the project's events in 2015 here.