Taylor & Francis APCs for open access journals

No or discounted Article Processing Charges for authors when publishing in a Taylor & Francis open access journal

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Taylor & Francis APCs for open access journals


Fully open access
Applied Sciences, Business & Management, Earth Sciences, Humanities, Life Sciences, Medicine & Health Sciences, Physical Sciences & Mathematics, Social Sciences
31 Dec 2025

Taylor&Francis guarantees no - or heavily reduced -Article Processing Charges (APCs) for authors from EIFL partner countries when they publish in a Taylor&Francis-owned fully Open Access (OA) journal, including Cogent journals.

The agreement is valid for Taylor & Francis-owned fully open access titles, including Cogent titles. The agreement excludes Taylor & Francis branded Open Access Journals that are owned by societies, where societies have not given their permission to offer discounts on APCs, and journals published under the Dove Medical Press imprint. The agreement does not include APCs for publishing articles in Open Select (hybrid) journals.

A corresponding author must be associated with an institution located in one of the Eligible EIFL partner countries listed in the section below

Below are the agreed terms: 

  • Waived article processing charges - no fees for corresponding authors from: Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Malawi, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine*, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe
    * The publisher may review and update this policy.
  • 50% discount for corresponding authors from: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Kenya, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives, Moldova, North Macedonia, Palestine, Serbia, Thailand.

Taylor & Francis Gold Open Access journals use two different submission workflows:

  • The new submission system, “Submission Portal”, will automatically recognize countries and will alert eligible authors that they are eligible for a waiver or discount, and prompt them to apply for it. They will need to tick a box to apply for the waiver or discount and this will not be automatically applied.
  • In the old submission workflow authors need to select a tick box "You are eligible for a country discount or waiver as part of our waiver programme. Please select this option if you need to request this discount or waiver."

 Authors need to apply for the waiver or discount on the first submission of an article; the system will not give this option if they are re-submitting a revision.

Authors will receive a confirmation of their discount or waiver, and their paper will go through peer review as normal. Once the paper has been accepted for publication, the waiver or discount on the APC will be applied.

In case of problems, authors can contact apc@tandf.co.uk

This title list shows the full price of the APC for each title. You will have to reduce the price by 50%.

You can also double check this on the journal’s website in case the APC has changed since the title list was last updated (31st January 2024). The spreadsheet includes a URL for each journal. On the journal website, click the link for “Instructions for authors” and then scroll to “Article Processing Charges”. In case you find a reduced APC price on the journal website, the EIFL discount applies to the reduced APC.

You can view the title list here and browse it by subject. The title list includes journals that do not charge any Article Processing Charges. This list will be updated twice a year, no later than 31st July and 31st January each year. The current list is for 2025.

Arts & Humanities, Behavioral Sciences & Social Care, Business, Economics and Sociology, Education, Geography, Information Science, Sport & Heritage, Life, Earth & Environmental Science, Medicine & Health, Physical Sciences and Engineering, Politics, IR & Area Studies

Click on your country below to get the list of all the journals that EIFL has negotiated open access publishing terms for. You can browse the list by subject, impact factor, and publisher.

Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Botswana, China, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Lithuania, Malawi, Maldives, Moldova, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, North Macedonia, Palestine, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Contact us if you have any questions info@eifl.net